Annual Report


Our Work

Who we support

A carer is a family member or friend who provides assistance with the tasks of daily living to someone who lives with a disability, a medical condition (including a terminal or chronic illness), a mental illness, is frail and aged, requires palliative carer or is a kinship or foster carer for a child or young person. A carer’s role can include assisting with daily living activities such as housework, transport, healthcare, shopping, meals, reading and writing, emotional and mental support and personal care.

Why we support

Carers ACT’s purpose is to support, connect and empower carers to maintain their caring role and personal wellbeing. As a trusted partner in care, we aim to enable carers to undertake their role with capacity and capability whilst also enabling carers to participate in everyday activities such as employment, education, and social activities by providing a range of integrated services and supports. We are the voice for carers in the ACT and work with industry and government to make Canberra a more carer-friendly community.

We are also a proud member of the National Network of Carer Associations, working in partnership to promote awareness of carers and the issues related to the caring role.

How we support

Carers ACT delivers meaningful support to carers through three core roles:

We support…

As a service provider - designing and delivering services that have tangible positive impact for carers and respond directly to carer needs.

We connect…

As a service navigator – by removing barriers to receiving support and helping carers navigate services, supports and their caring journey.

Using purpose-based decision-making, we continually develop our competency and capacity as a service provider, service navigator and as an influential advocate.

Core Values

Carers ACT aspires to be a trusted partner in care through demonstrating our core values of

  • Courage
  • Innovation
  • Connection
  • Carer centred practice

We support, connect and empower carers to maintain their caring role and personal wellbeing:

  • Customer centric in all we do
  • Brave and courageous in what we say and do
  • Innovative in our approach
  • Collaborative partners
To our regions’ carers, we say this. We see you and we hear you. We stand beside you and walk with you on your caring journey. Thank you for sharing your lives with us.

Lisa Kelly - CEO Carers ACT


"Thank you all for being part of this journey. Together, we are building a brighter, more supportive future for carers across Canberra."
Thili Perera

Dear Carers, Stakeholders, and Supporters,

It is with great pleasure that I present this year’s annual report for Carers ACT. Through this report, we honour and recognise more than 58,000 carers across Canberra—individuals who selflessly give their time, energy, and compassion to support others. These carers are truly the backbone of our community, and it is a privilege for the Board, our CEO and team to work alongside them, ensuring they receive the support they need to manage the often-overwhelming demands of caregiving.

This year, our focus has remained steadfast on what makes the most meaningful difference for carers: practical support, a strong voice in the community, and access to high-quality, accessible services. Central to our work is our commitment to the ACT Carers Strategy, the Carer Recognition Act, and advocating for the recommendations from the recent Federal Inquiry into the Recognition of Unpaid Carers. These efforts continue to guide and inspire us as we strive to make Canberra a place where carers are not only recognised but celebrated and supported.

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This annual report highlights our ongoing work to expand the support available to carers and to raise awareness of the vital role they play in society.

At the heart of everything we do are the carers in our community—those who face complex challenges with unwavering dedication and compassion. Their resilience is what drives us forward, and their needs shape every aspect of our efforts. While we are proud of the progress we’ve made, we are also aware that much work remains to be done in creating a truly carer-friendly community.

I would like to extend my appreciation and thanks to our CEO, Lisa Kelly, the Executive Team, and all the staff at Carers ACT. Their tireless commitment makes everything we do possible. I also want to acknowledge the dedication of my fellow Board members, our funding partners, and our generous supporters, particularly the Shaw Building Group, whose ongoing partnership enables us to continue innovating and enhancing our service delivery.

Thank you all for being part of this journey. Together, we are building a brighter, more supportive future for carers across Canberra.

Thili Perera
Chair, Carers ACT

CEO Report

Lisa Kelly
“I’m proud of the work our team has done to expand and enhance services that directly support carers”

Dear Friends of Carers ACT,

It’s been another remarkable year for Carers ACT, one marked by growth in our service delivery and stronger partnerships with government and community groups, all aimed at supporting over 58,000 carers in the ACT. I’m proud of the work our team has done to expand and enhance services that directly support carers, helping them to balance their caring roles and their personal wellbeing.

In the past year, we’ve delivered over 1,800 support sessions, offering vital services like respite, carer counselling, and social connection programs. Our activities under the “5 Ways to Wellbeing” have seen hundreds of carers participate in groups that help to keep them connected and supported. The numbers speak to the demand. Our social respite activities alone have connected over 600 carers, and our carer wellbeing retreats have provided essential breaks for many. It’s been rewarding to see these programs grow, but the need for expanded services remains clear and pressing.

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Our work in connection with the ACT Carers Strategy continues. This strategic framework has enabled us to advocate for carers, helping to ensure their voices are heard in policy decisions that impact their lives. This year, we also made national submissions to a variety of government inquiries, like the Federal Inquiry into the Recognition of Unpaid Carers and participated in consultations for the National Carer Strategy. 

Our goal is to highlight the crucial role unpaid carers play and the systemic support they require. More engagement from government at all levels is essential to ensure carers receive the recognition and practical support they deserve.

Our partnerships have been instrumental in extending our reach. We’re grateful for the ongoing support of the federal and ACT governments, as well as our collaborations with local service providers and community organisations. These connections have allowed us to expand the range of services we can offer, from respite care to support coordination for people living with disabilities.

I’d like to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has contributed to our progress this year. To our Board and staff, your commitment drives our success. To our funding partners and to our many supporters, thank you for helping us make a real difference in the lives of carers across Canberra. Together, we’re building a future where carers are recognised, supported, and celebrated.

Lisa Kelly signature

Lisa Kelly
Chief Executive Officer

Our Strategic Imperatives

Carers ACT is a trusted partner in caring

Partnership Broker

  • Partner with carers to be a trusted source of information and connection.
  • Drive partnerships with key influencers that builds awareness and recognition of carers.
  • Collaborate with others in the community to connect carers to information, support and services.
  • Collaborate with the National Network and Carers Australia to form a trusted partner for carers and government nationally.

Responsible Decision Maker

  • Ensure the organisation remains viable and capable of delivering services of value.
  • Implement business processes and governance that allows the organisation to respond effectively to the changing environment.
  • Maintain and improve the behaviours, policies, procedures, responsibilities, relationships, planning, monitoring and reporting activities that support safe, high-quality care.
  • Actively pursue opportunities that enables our purpose and mission.

Enable Quality

  • Collaborate to ensure that carers can access quality services in the community that respond to and meet their needs.
  • Provide safe, high-quality services that have a positive impact on carers and enables them to continue in their caring role.
  • Assist carers to navigate through service systems to ensure they can access the services and supports that are available to them and the person they care for.

Key Strategic Achievements 2023-2024

Partnership Broker

  • Partnered with carers through Carer Collective consultations, advisory groups, and surveys to capture and represent unique carer experiences.
  • Delivered carer awareness training to ACT Government departments, including public health and mental health personnel.
  • Conducted meetings with Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) to address topics such as the Carers Recognition Act 2021, the ACT Carer Strategy 2018-2028 and broader carer needs in the ACT.
  • Consulted on, developed and launched the new Mental Health Carer’s Voice Strategic Plan.
  • Teamed up with local carer, Dalangin Dkhar, to produce the documentary Unconditional.

Responsible Decision Maker

  • Designed a carer portal to provide carers with a proposed service pathway designed to meet need and improve outcomes.​
  • Improvements made to the the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) to meet the new requirements​ for Aged Care data collection and payments.​
  • Implementation of an IT Roadmap including a ‘right device’ program recognising that there are appropriate devices for specific client interactions​.
  • Improvements made to billing to align with new NDIS requirements.
  • Understanding communication styles and team building​ across the organisation to further strengthen our collaborative working environment.
  • Developing a workplace culture survey and action strategy. 
  • Review and implemented a Clinical Governance Framework.
  • Completed a NDIS Audit ​as part of our re-certification and a corrective action plan designed to navigate continuous improvement.
  • Enacting an Internal Audit Framework.
  • Developed and implemented a Medication Management Framework.
  • Reviewed and implemented a Care Planning Framework. 

Key Influencer

  • Amplified the voices of carers in federal and ACT inquiries including the federal Inquiry into the Recognition of Unpaid Carers in Australia and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Review and subsequent consultations.
  • Responded to various ACT inquiries on topics including:
    • Loneliness and Social Isolation, where we made comprehensive recommendations to address the barriers carers face to social connection in the ACT.
    • Unpaid Work, where we drew on the breadth of evidence showing the negative economic impacts that unpaid caring has and highlighted ways governments can address the impacts. 
    • Raising Children, where we highlighted the additional factors impacting families raising children with disability and advocated for measures to address.
  • Lodged 7 submissions on diverse policy areas impacting carers, including:
    • The Senior Practitioner Act Review, where the final report acknowledged our recommendations and agreed that the ACT needed to better consider carers. 
    • ACT Public Schools’ Mobile Phone Policy, where we successfully advocated for young carers to have an exemption to access their phone for caring reasons. 
    • Healthy aging, where we highlighted both the needs of carers who are aging and carers who are caring for someone who is aging. 
    • Changes to the Children and Young People Act 2008, where the Listening Report included a section on the importance of support for carers.
    • The ACT Disability Strategy, where we strongly advocated for alignment with the existing ACT Carers Strategy 2018-28. 

Key Representation and Legislative Influence:

  • Actively participated in more than 30 advisory committees/reference groups covering topics like health, disability, public infrastructure, voting, transport, gender diversity and accessibility. 
  • Played a pivotal role in ensuring carers were considered in the ACT’s Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) legislation through formal submissions, presentations and strategic meetings with politicians and the VAD Taskforce. 
  • Presented carer issues to three parliamentary committees during Legislative Assembly public hearings. 
  • Accepted invitations to present carer interests at the 2023 GP Policy Forum and the ACT Government’s Suburban Land Agency workshops on housing outcomes for people with disability.
  • Successfully advocated for a foster and kinship carer charter to be included as a notifiable instrument in ACT Children and Young People legislation and consulted on its development and design.

Enable Quality

  • Development and implementation of a new Cottage in the Illawarra including running 10 retreats in the region.
  • Enhancements made to the Post Hospital Support program to continuously improve the services provided to clients transitioning home from hospital.
  • Improvements made to Deakin Cottage including a redesign of interior spaces and new furniture. 
  • Established relationships with social workers within education settings and family and youth centres who are regularly referring young carers to our support services.
  • Through the Carer Gateway, 955 Nights of Respite were booked through the Residential Respite Booking Program.
  • Increasing data quality and evidencing: person and carer centred practices in the Hub and Cottages.
  • Hosted 3 multigenerational events for our Hub and Cottage clients and their families.
  • A Carer Wellbeing Guide was developed to help support carers to find a balance in caring and looking after themselves. The Guide was provided to over 2,000 carers in the ACT.
  • Completed a collaborative program with the Humour Foundation to provide programs for people with dementia and training for carers.
  • Implemented a Caring Together Program which delivered 30 events and matched 40 carers.
  • Supported over 587 carers to have respite and wellbeing through group events and activities.
  • Held 120 events and supported over 1,348 CALD carers in the ACT.
  • Over 60 participants supported to navigate the NDIS system by our support coordinators.
  • Developed a Staying at Home Program designed to provide peer support for carers of people with dementia.
  • Developed and implemented in collaboration with the University of Canberra, a highly successful SPICE Program for people living with dementia and their carers.
To be able to access these events has made it easier for us to participate regularly. We both feel more confident conversing with the group members and have increased attending these groups which has led us to build on friendship groups with other caregivers facing similar challenges. We have been able to enhance our overall well-being!

Abby and Jag

Service delivery snapshot

The five ways to wellbeing

‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ introduces people to five simple and effective ways to improve psychological and emotional based on extensive international research. Carers ACT partners with Northern Health on this program.


carers were able to share and connect with other carers in 246 activities that aligned with “Be Active” in the 5 Ways 
to Wellbeing.


Carers were able to share and connect with other carers in 66 activities that aligned with “Be Aware” in the 5 Ways 
to Wellbeing.


Carers were able to share and connect with other carers in 242 activities that aligned with “Connect” in the 5 Ways 
to Wellbeing.


Carers were able to share and connect with other carers in 59 activities that aligned with “Help Others” in the 5 Ways 
to Wellbeing.


Carers were able to share and connect with other carers in 141 activities that aligned with “Keep Learning” in the 5 Ways to Wellbeing.

Taking a well-deserved break


Carers enhanced their wellbeing through our 208 social respite program activities such as craft groups, lunches, art groups, and movie and theatre shows.

Carers were able to have a respite break as 
a family over 2 family retreats for families caring for children with neurodiversity. 19 carers and 27 recipients of care and their siblings, the carers that attended increased the social connections and wellbeing of both the Carers and recipients involved.


carers were able to have a break from their caring role, enhance wellbeing and make social connections by attending
2 carer wellbeing retreats.


carers and the person they care for were able to take a break with the aged person they care for during 3 Illawarra Retreats.


carers and the person they care for were able to take a break with the aged person they care for during 4 ACT Walking the Journey Together Retreats.


carers were able to have a vital break 
from caring through Deakin Cottage 
and Naraganwali Cottage.

Taking care of carers


carers were supported through 920 counselling sessions and 504 coaching sessions.


carers in the ACT were provided carer support and planning, respite care, information, and links to local services.


people attended regularly social support groups for our aged Indian, Italian, Muslim and Sri-Lankan clients and their carers.


young carers were supported to balance school, home and caring duties through our Carer Gateway services.


people living with disability attended 
our Hub program which enabled them 
to maintain social connection and develop essential life skills.


people living with disability were supported through our Support Coordination which enabled them to live more independently and 
be included in the community.

Carer Satisfaction

Results from the Carers ACT Satisfaction & Engagement Survey Report FY2023–2024:


of carers felt heard, supported, and respected by Carers ACT.


of carers reported that the support Carers ACT provided helped them to manage their role as a carer.


of carers felt satisfied with the services they had received from Carers ACT.


of carers felt able to deal with issues that they sought help for from Carers ACT.

I really appreciate social events as it's a break from the everyday and is like a treat. It makes it easier for me to take time for that sort of self-care when I am invited to something rather than initiating it myself, as it rarely happens.
Carers ACT were fantastic. Most people I spoke to had experience in caring for someone and understood my problems and were so kind, caring and helpful.
Great support for carers.
Thank you for providing a wonderful, professional and affirming service.
Thank goodness for your service! 
I really appreciate you being there!
Carers ACT has helped me get through my darkest moments in my caring journey.

Carer journey

Unconditional is a documentary film on carers that is directed and produced by a local carer, Dalanglin Dkhar. ‘Unconditional’ is a journey into the lives of four diverse carers, whose dedication to those they care for every-day shines through decades of sacrifice and love. 

Dalanglin, who cares for her neurodiverse non-speaking son, utilises her background in filmmaking and PhD research to weave together the narratives of carers who have devoted decades to the welfare of their loved ones. From Ngunnawal Country and the suburbs of Canberra, 'Unconditional' takes us into the homes and lives of carers Megan, Razi, Craig, and Deborah. Together, they share their raw and honest stories, reflecting a spectrum of caregiving experiences—from caring for a child with a terminal genetic condition to looking after elderly parents and loved ones with complex needs.

Witnessing the emotional and physical realities from “the day when everything changed” to now. The film explores the deep-seated challenges of burnout and invisibility, and embraces the raw, honest narratives of those who love unconditionally. With over 3 million carers across the nation, facing isolation, distress, and financial hardship, ‘Unconditional’ opens our eyes to their stories.

Carers reside in our neighbourhoods and communities - they are our neighbours, employees, colleagues and acquaintances.

The documentary has been screened in Canberra and is set to be screened across the country as part of Carers Week 2024. Federal Government Departments and ACT Government Directorates have also booked screenings for their workforces, to build awareness and recognition of carers.

The film is a highly successful collaboration between Dalanglin, Carers ACT, Documentaries Australia and Charles Sturt University.

As an insider looking on, I felt I needed to share our story. I want the world to see carers the way I see and know them.

Dalanglin Dkhar, Carer and Director

ACT Carers Strategy Progress Report 2018-2028

Carers ACT continues to work in partnership with the ACT Government, carers and the community sector to develop the ACT Carers Strategy 2018-2028 – a framework to support and recognise the work of carers and make Canberra more carer-friendly. 

Following the completion of the first action plan, Carers ACT has proudly continued to contribute to the implementation of the ACT Carers Strategy across the 2023-2024 financial year.

2023-24 Carers Strategy Achievements:

As holder of the Deed of Grant to implement the ACT Carers Strategy, we are proud of our achievements over this financial year. We have continued to raise carer recognition in policies and programs and celebrate carers through the opportunity Carers Week provides annually. 

Carers are affected by a wide range of issues, from transport and city services to housing and health. There is no policy space that does not impact carers. Our work ensures that carers' voices are represented across these diverse policy areas, highlighting the broad and interconnected challenges carers face.

Throughout this reporting period, we have identified critical advocacy issues and developed evidence-based recommendations. Our work includes crafting comprehensive submissions, participating in numerous committees, and engaging with policymakers to drive positive change. Carers ACT continues to successfully influence policy decisions for carers, both locally and nationally.

We have also refined and expanded our formal processes for monitoring and documenting relevant local and national information, inquiries and consultation opportunities. This ensures that our systemic advocacy remains attuned to the ever-evolving landscapes that carers navigate.

Carer Strategy Principles and governments’ policies and reforms, form part of regular conversations with carers through monthly carer collective conversations, meetings of our carer Policy and Advocacy Group and carer surveys. This ensures we maintain current in the issues that are facing carers every day and to ensure we amplify the voices of carers when advocating for improvements to government systems and interactions.

Opportunities for carers to provide feedback or be involved in committees and consultations are regularly shared on our website in the ‘Open Opportunities’ section and flagged in our newsletters. We also maintain an open communication channel through email which receives regular feedback from carers.

Next Steps

Carers ACT is working towards developing agile Action Plans that guide efforts under the ACT Carers Strategy into the future. Action Plans developed in partnership with ACT Government by Carers will continue to align with the priorities and outcomes from the original Strategy, while working to support and embed those that have already been initiated through the first Action Plan. 

Our dedication to empowering carers and fostering a supportive and inclusive community will continue to drive our efforts in the coming year. As we navigate challenges and seize further opportunities, we remain committed to enhancing the lives of ACT carers and promoting carers’ wellbeing. 

Carers ACT will endeavour to: 

  • Embed supports for carers who participate in representation activities.
  • Provide a compendium of navigation information and support for mental health carers.
  • Align National Carer Strategy Action Plans and outcomes with the ACT 2018-28 ACT Carer Strategy.
  • Support carers in schools and workplaces to achieve recognition and equality. 
  • Continue to ensure the voices of carers are heard and included in policies, services and systems that affect their lives.
  • Advocate strongly for carers in the upcoming ACT Election.
Carers ACT staff are passionate about helping in any way they can, and this reassures us carers, there are people who understand, and are doing all they can to connect us carers who may otherwise feel isolated

ACT Carers Recognition Act Report

The Carers Recognition Act 2021 (ACT) is an Act specific to the ACT, which recognises and promotes the role carers have in our community. The Act outlines principles that require organisations to consider and adapt practices to support the care relationship that exists between carers and the people they care for. The Act is a set of principles that support people in care relationships. 

Carer and care support agencies are required to comply and report on these principles. The Care Relationship Principles consider the treatment of carers, the treatment of people being cared for and the treatment of people in a care relationship. As the peak body representing and supporting the ACT’s 58,000 plus carers, Carers ACT is honoured to be providing our report on the Carers Recognition Act 2021.

Raising awareness about and promoting the care relationship principles


As a carer peak body, our primary purpose is to raise awareness, recognise, promote, support, connect and empower carers to maintain their caring role and wellbeing. We believe that the caring role and wellbeing is supported when people needing care are safe, and their quality of life and wellbeing are being supported by a trusted care partner. 

An inherent focus of all of our work is to raise awareness of carers and the care relationship principles within services which impact carers; within the sector in which we operate; and within the broader community.

Examples of raising awareness and promotion of care relationship principles can be found throughout the Carer Strategy and Strategic Achievements sections of the report. Further examples of our activities in 2023-24 include:

  • The Care Relationship Principles and the significance of the Carers Recognition Act 2021 are regularly discussed within our organisation with our carers, participants and staff. 
  • Through regular staff meetings and through the carer newsletters, we provide monthly updates on our policy and advocacy activities. This provides carers and our staff with how we are advocating for carers through influencing systemic change to government systems, raising awareness in workplaces and raising general awareness in the broader ACT community. 
  • We continued to provide training to assist ACT Government Directorates and Federal Government Departments to recognise and support carers within their workplaces and as their clients. In many instances, these opportunities become embedded in the development and training calendars of these organisations.

Our Staff

Results from the Carers ACT Employee Satisfaction & Engagement Survey Report, conducted by Your Say in April 2024, show:

Staff agreed with the statement “I feel motivated by the organisations mission and objectives”.


Staff rated their work-life quality satisfaction (a balance between personal and work-life, a physical environment conducive to performance, and perceived happiness of co-workers) at:


Staff rated their organisation satisfaction (its culture, direction and strategy, and workplace inclusion) at:


Staff rated management satisfaction (clarity of goals and expectations, support and encouragement from management and managers competency) at:


Staff rated their own work satisfaction (an understanding of expectations, personal satisfaction derived from work, degree of autonomy and support and manageable workloads) at:


Our partners & supporters

Shaw Building Group

Carers ACT extends its heartfelt gratitude to Shaw Building Group for their unwavering 19-year commitment. Their annual Bowls Day has been an incredible source of support, raising over $100,000 each year for carers. This generous contribution enabled us to deliver respite services, tuition assistance and skill development to those who need it the most. Our long-standing relationship with Shaw Building Group is a testament to their dedication, and we are deeply thankful for their continued support.

Community support

Carers ACT would like to express our gratitude for the financial and volunteer assistance received from a multitude of individuals and companies over the past year, whose generosity has significantly enhanced the daily lives of carers and the individuals they care for. We also wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the dedicated carers who kindly shared their stories, advocating for carers' needs in the media, government, forums, and committees. Their efforts have played a pivotal role in shaping policies and raising awareness about the invaluable contribution of carers to our community.

Funding support

Carers ACT would like to acknowledge and thank the following organisations for their continued support and funding:

  • Australian Government Department of Social Services.
  • Australian Government Department of Health.
  • ACT Government Health Directorate.
  • ACT Government Community Services Directorate.
Download the
Audited Financial Report